Monday, 16 January 2017


well hey! it's been a while, over a month i think, yeah sorry about that, it was a busy month in December, we had Christmas, New Years and my head wasn't in the right mind frame for blogging and when it was, I just didn't want to think about blogging or anything to do with it.

I have had plenty of time to think about where I want to go with this blog and what I want to do with it as well. 

so now, we are kinda up to speed (in a nut shell because we don't need to hear all the detail) and I am here and happy to tell you, Utterly Brooke Lea has a new fresh start which I am super happy with.

I decided to create a portfolio type thing where I can blog sometimes and share many of my photos on my portfolio page. you can see new photos, that I will try to add in while there is no post (that is if I remember and have new pictures to share). I hope you guys like this idea as much as I do and I am excited to share more of my pictures with you. you can also see my instagram pictures, just click the instagram page next to the portfolio page.
and don't worry, I will blog sometimes, just when I feel like it and when I have many ideas. 

so, I hope you enjoy this new change and enjoy exploring many of my photos. I have done a huge revamp for this blog and its taken lots of my time but I am really happy with how it turned out, there's fresh content in my about page and if you are looking for my 'faq' you can find it there. I am so excited to bring you fresh good quality content that isn't rushed, as last year it seemed I had very low quality, rushed content.
talking about a fresh start to ring in the new year! 

well that's quite enough writing / reading for one post so I will leave you now with some pictures taken in October by Bella.

much love and many thanks - brooke. 

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