Sunday, 18 September 2016


hello again.

Recently has been pretty hectic, lots of school and assignments, days where you just want to do anything but school but I have to keep on remembering - holidays are coming, holidays are coming. Ahh I am so excited for the holidays, I am finally meeting Bella of Miss Bella Boo and its gonna be a sick as time with lots of photo taking and talking to be done!

I was going to do a fashion post for you guys but I woke up and decided that I wasn't in the fashion post mood so I went through some of my older posts and found my 'little life update' and I thought that it was perfect for today's post. This is a bit of a chatty post so grab a cuppa or some drink and sit down and have a read through.

First up on my notes to talk about is the shopping trip I had last week. I had a bit of left over birthday money to spend so I decided to treat myself to a bit of retail therapy. It makes me very happy to find something I like. I went to a few places but my 2 favourite shops were definitely Kikki K and Lush. I decided to chose one thing from each shop to talk about here.

I absolutely love this, I haven't really ever been one for toners, but I have heard some really good things about the ones at Lush. The lady told me that it was pretty much beach in a bottle and I thought that was great as I really love the beach. I haven't really noticed any changes but I have noticed my face doesn't feel as pulled and its just easy to spritz on when I am feeling like a bit of a refresh.

You guys, no one probably really knows how much I love these pens. They write so wonderful and are just the best pens to have. Now don't get me wrong - I love all my Kikki K pens but, the slim ballpoint ones are my favourite! This is my second packet of these and I have these pens in my school pencil case and around my room, I even think someone stole one as they just loved writing with it so much which was a bit of a sad day for me but a good day for them!

In other news, I have been reading a lot, I think I told you about my book goals in my last update. I am happy to say I finished the Harry Potter series and I even got the new book which I quite liked and read in less than 24 hours - oops?! Last month I read The Selection series by Kiera Cass which were really good, they were sorta like a book version of The Bachelor, oh and speaking of The Bachelor who else was dissapointed when Alex won, I was sooo team Nikki and was pretty damm annoyed about the finale! Anyway, completely off topic there! My next book is going to be The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham, I watched the movie and really loved it and I didn't know there was a book until my Mum gave me it to wrap up for her for Christmas. I am excited to read it and see what it is like.

oh and yes, I am in my dressing gown - haha, it was actually pretty cold!

On the first of September I got my new phone. I had been saving up for a new one for quite a while and worked quite hard to be able to purchase it. I decided to get a iPhone 6 but there wasn't any in my local area but there was a sale for the iPhone 6s and so I decided to get it. I got the silver one and I am completely in love with it. I do spend a lot of time on it and that probably needs to change, at least at school it doesn't get used but on weekends I give it a bit of a workout. Oh and my cover is from Sportsgirl if any of you are wondering. 

Another something I have to show is my new favourite earrings. They are still pretty new as I got them on Friday but I am totally in love with them, I have been wearing them all weekend and they don't infect my ears which is an added bonus because a lot of earrings do. I just like how simple they are but they are quite pretty, I got a few compliments on them today.

This blog has been getting a bit rejected and its needing a bit more love, so I am planning on customizing it a bit but I also really don't know what I am doing - haha - I think maybe a new logo and a bit of an update on my pages will help it as well as some other design aspects. I do blogging as a hobby and sometimes it does get a bit much to keep up so that's why there is always a bit of a big gap in my posts. I don't want to be on a blogging schedule because that makes me stressed when I don't put a post up but I do want to blog a bit more regularly but also not be pressured into posting.

I recently started to do some yoga, I have already found it very enjoyable even though sometimes it can be a bit painful. It is something nice to do when you are stressed and need something to take your mind off. it. I even find myself not thinking about anything which is really good especially after a long day at school. I would really recommend yoga to anyone who gets stressed or just wants to relax more, its so worth the pain! 

I have been really inspired recently and I don't know why but I am embracing it, I think it is because the weather is getting more warmer and its close to summer but then again I am not too sure its that because its been quite cold recently, come on spring weather, I wanna wear my shorts again! Inspiration is a funny thing, it comes and goes which is weird, sometimes I don't really know why I get inspired but when I do I like it. So I shall leave you here with some inspiration for anyone that really needs it right now, I hope this makes you feel better and makes you put a smile on your dial. Just remember - you are worth it!

'live for the moments you can't put into words, you're imperfect, and you're wired for struggle, but your are worthy of love and belonging, be brave enough to dream, dream so big that you can't think of a negative thing to think about, it doesn't matter what others are doing - it matters what YOU are doing. dream big, find wonder, choose love, give thanks, smile more, live simply.'

talk soon - brooke.

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